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by other sites.DiscordWe have a! Many complain they can't find our so I put it here with some extra flair so you can't miss our partnered server. You can find our channel Allowed Submissions. Informative self-posts. News and articles.

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The app worked great until mid January since then it wont connect to BB-8 anymore. Star commander load controller. Hoping you guys can fix the current situation so I can use it again. Apart from that it's a neat little robot',243000000,27,null,null,'6','A Google user',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Wissmeier',null,2,null,null,null,'I have a Samsung S10 and I do not have any other device available to run this app from. He is fully charged and I even uninstalled the app a couple times. Got it as a Christmas present.

Reviews, previews, and opinion pieces. Questions likely to generate discussionMore MMORPG Information.A community for casual gamers looking to play MMOs and other games together!Popular MMO Subreddits.Popular MMO-Like SubredditsThese subreddits aren't strictly MMO(RPG)s but they offer MMO-like qualities and are frequently discussed here.

Or in some cases you for them.For any inquiries or additions, feel free to message the moderators. Requested subreddits must have 1,000+ subscribers and have at least 2 posts a day to be considered.The following topics are posted weekly. Click the topics to find a list of past threads and to suggest your own for the future!Weekly:.

Monday -. Wednesday -Also did I mention we have a server?

Gets worse every year. Gamigo eventually ended up buying the license for NA server and then they tried to get NA and EU on the same page. For years before that, the NA servers were a few months ahead in patches. Gem bugs und duplication bugs came every now and then (fixing always took long cause 'communication problems with devs'). Cash Shop got more and more insane. Post 100 it's not even pay to progress faster anymore, as F2P it's almost impossible, unless you're into hardcore grinding for months. Eventually Gamigo bought the development rights for Fiesta, like 2-3 years(?) ago.

People had hope that everything will get better, but nah. Patches are coming even slower now, fixxes still take way longer than they should (there even some bugs over 5 years old left in the game) and it's pretty much going downhill for years. No idea how Gamigo manages to keep alive. Literally the question I have myself.

I've been playing Fiesta and various pservers (Xeni, Selesnia, Falou) since 2007 and no MMO I've played has anything similar to the Free Battle Zone, where people can chill out and 1v1.When Falou shut down a lot of the people from the top guild (Illuminate) including the GM went to Aura Kingdom. I didn't follow but I'd love to reconnect with some old friends. I'd head over to there if you were looking for something similar to Fiesta, short of a pserver.

I am Waz from server – LuxPlena:p, this sniper guide will include alot of detail including Builds, skill builds, stats, skills,pvp strageties, videos, screen shots, armour, weapons, and alot more, so lets go and explore the sniping abilitiesand together find out the snipers secrets that they hold.Menu1. About Snipers2. Stats of a Sniper3. Skills for a Sniper4. Armour and unseals of a Sniper5. Weapons and unseals of a Sniper6.

The beggining- leveling as a explorer7. Class Change8. How to play as a Sniper9. Pvp basics and strageties10. Tower builds11.

GvG builds12. Credits and special thanks1. About SnipersA sniper is a very strong class which has very powerfull skills, out of the 2 classes of Excavator and Sniper, sniper is the main damage dealer. Snipers mainly use rifles as there main weapon as most of there skills are revolved around the rifle, unfortunately snipers may have the power but they lack the defensive ability. Most of snipers unseals and bonuses from weapons are distance range and hitting range which as you know give us more power. Of course snipers are mainly used for 1 v 1 and can tank bosses, when it comes to aoeing most players think snipers fail, BUT they dont! You can aoe with a sniper with the right skills and build and the right tactic which I will explain to you as we get further into the guide2.

Sniping Inflicts heavy damage can be increased by rifle and str, this is a very usefull skill for many thinks such as bosses, pkers and finishing mobs quickly we max this :D Pierce shot Inflicts damage to mobs near the targetted mob, this is one of our aoes we Max this! Shooting nova Does heavy damage on 1 foe very usefull for our lack of damage therefore we max this as its a usefull skill in many situations Frame Splash Is our strongest aoe for sniper as it has a wide range and inflicts big damage on foes. We Max this dual gun mastery Increases the attacking speed of dual guns, since we dont use dual guns its useless for us Moving Shot Is our final stun which stuns foes for 3 seconds, this is quite usefull to stop pkers or mobs form killing us;p but only 1 point needed as stun doesnt increase in time hitchain Raises accuracy for 9 minutes, since we are dex we dont need this skill, so we only put 1 point in it to get to other skills :D Raise agility Increases avoidance, since we are dex and relie on avoidance we max!


This skill :D. Wings of wind Increases our moving speed, since we need speed to give us room in between mobs and so we take less hits we max this skill Calm Decreases menacing level, this skill is usefull for bosses but we dont really need as we cant really tank bosses lol so we keep this at 1 Aerial wings Raises avoidance to you and your party members, since we are dex and we need avoidance we max this skill :D Gas Bomb This is our final aoe its very usefull cause of the Damage Over Time (DOT), we Max this2. Land= Full con, Sea= ConThis build is a pvp build used for tanking bosses, pvping and pking people a good skill build for this is shown below.Lets find out why we chose these skills and what the skills in this build do Quick Shot Uses low mp and fires 2 quick shots damage increased depending on rifle and str. This skill is useless for us Down Strike Stuns a oppenent for 3 seconds, this is very important for us as it stops oppenent attacking us and allowing us to do more damage. eat my poison mobs!!