Rogue Ninja Transmog
вторник 07 апреля admin 46
Eorzea Collection is where you can share your personal glamours and browse through an extensive collection of looks for your Final Fantasy XIV character. For World of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'I need some damn sweet transmog daggers for my Rogue.'
Welcome to the Cloth armor installment of our illustrated transmogrification series! We hope it helps your cloth-wearing characters look their best in any situation. The Illustrated Transmogrification SeriesIllustrated Plate Transmogrification Guide coming soon!It’s time to get excited about changing the appearance of your armor, Transmogrifying your boring old cutting-edge raid gear into retro sets that match your character’s innermost self!All cloth wearers can Transmogrify their gear into any other cloth gear with just a few restrictions. As far as we know, any cloth-wearer can wear the cloth gear of any other class, provided there is no Class Restriction written in the item description.An evil Warlock masquerading as a sweetness-and-light Holy Priest? Discos switching it up for fiery mage outfits?
Games like sherwood dungeon. Mages and Warlocks wearing each others’ gear? Unfortunately, artwork- even Blizzard artwork- is always a bit difficult to pin down since the artists take quite a bit of license with the in-game material (or sometimes are just creating concepts which change dramatically when added to the game in their final form).
I wasn’t able to figure out antyhing close to what you linked to, but perhaps someone else has an idea? If you’re interested in finding something you consider similar, do download the WoW Model Viewer; it’s an invaluable tool for hunting down sets!Like. The chest looks like it’s the same model as the Arcanoweave set- above, under ‘Tailored sets’- so I would recommend trying out the other Arcanoweave set pieces with it (just bracers and feet, sadly). I might then go with the Brightcloth gloves and cape, Dreamweave Circlet or Sylvan Crown, and the Sylvan shoulders. Those are all tailored sets, which means they should be relatively easy to find, and the chestpieces for each is the same model as the chestpiece for the Wind Serpent robe.Good luck!Like. Hey Disco, awesome work!

I’m just putting this out there to make others aware, but it appears that Blizz has changed the appearance of some of the gear you posted. Specifically (there might be others, but I didn’t check out all of them) the Elegant and Nightsky green sets. They are full robes now, not tops like they appear.
I started noticing this when I was looking at another site, but at first thought maybe they just were posting incorrectly. After visiting your site I’m confident Blizz is behind this.Like. Woot, this rules! So much of the priest gear (esp at high levels / endgame) looks so grim and dark, my poor holy priest of Elune was getting a complex. I’d already mogg’d her Chelley’s Staff of Dark Mending into the lovely little Moon Staff of Elune from her training days, and the scary Mask of New Snow into the much more seemly Imperial Red Circlet, so she can breathe again.And now thanks to your page I think she’ll be farming some combination of the Aurora, Mooncloth, and Glacial sets. It’s all about lightness and purity, and not looking like some Goddess-abhored necromancer!Like. Thx for the great guide!
It’s so better to browse through images of the sets than to seek for them in a single page 🙂 The only thing I could admit is if I had been in your place I’d have linked those items to wowhead, not to wowpedia (it takes a click to go to wowhead anyway:)As for me it helped me to find something like that ‘pointy thing’ Kael’thas wears behind his head. I think, Mage-Collar of the Firestorm is very similar to that one.
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Just look. Other items are taken from this guide while the boots and the cloak from this one Like.