Gauntlet Slayer Edition Ps4
суббота 11 апреля admin 84
Contents.Fire School IconNameElementsDescriptionBurning BoltHurls a fairly fast-moving fire projectile that damages a single target. Average ranged attack DPS.Flaming MortarLobs a large, slow-moving ball of lava that detonates on the ground with high force. Weak enemies are killed instantly, while others are knocked or staggered away from the blast. The attack can pass over various obstacles, and blasts against walls can affect enemies.Fire SerpentsMerlin phases into twin, impervious masses of flame that travel a good distance. Most enemies in his path are ignited.
Gauntlet: Slayer Edition has 39 trophies that can be earned. Catlateral damage play. View all the trophies here. About Gauntlet. Gauntlet is a completely modernized and updated version of the classic 1985 Atari game of the same name. Istrolid best ship designs. The new Gauntlet was created and developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by WB Games.It was released on September 23, 2014 and upgraded to Slayer Edition.
Weak enemies are also staggered and slowed.Ice School IconNameElementsDescriptionIce BeamA channeled spell that immobilizes Merlin while firing a narrow beam that chills enemies. Very high ranged attack DPS.Flash FreezeCascades a short cone of ice that freezes enemies for a short time. Frozen enemies can obstruct the path of others.Orb of WinterLaunches a slow-moving orb that chills and pervades enemies, and after a few moments, ceases and emits a large aura of intense cold for 10 seconds, chilling enemies that pass through it.Lightning School IconNameElementsDescriptionStatic SphereCreates a stationary barrier that deflects or nullifies most attacks. Enemies that contact the barrier will either be knocked down or staggered. Destroys low tier skeletons instantly.ThunderburstA melee-ranged burst that knocks small and medium enemies down and away. Large enemies are staggered. Destroys low tier skeletons instantly.Chain LightningSends a seeking arc of electricity to the closest enemy/destructable within range which can jump up to six more times.
The direction of the jumps can be influenced by Merlin's positioning to, and aim towards, a group of enemies.Demon School IconNameElementsDescriptionHellfireA channeled spell that immobilizes Merlin while scorching a small area in front of him. Average ranged attack DPS.Searing BlastA lethal but small blast of fire that ignites enemies that it doesn't outright kill.Burning OrbLaunches a slow-moving orb that ignites and pervades enemies, and after a few moments, ceases and emits large flame bursts for minor damage for 10 seconds.Channeling School IconNameElementsDescriptionRepeater BoltsRapidly casts small electric charges that stun weak enemies. High ranged attack DPS.Storm BarrageBinds four moderately strong electric charges to encircle Merlin. The charges time out if they aren't detonated within 8 seconds.Rift JumpMerlin phases into an impervious mass of electrical energy that makes three zig-zags, each covering a moderate distance. Enemies in his path are staggered or knocked down.
Enemies also recieve a moderate shock.Void School IconNameElementsDescriptionInvisibilityEnvelopes Merlin in a shroud that and prevents most detection. Grants immunity to Death Incarnate.VacuumPull enemies inwards in a large area around Merlin and immobilizes them for a short period. Large enemies are also knocked down.Dark TorrentA channeled spell that partially immobilizes Merlin while damaging and slowing enemies in a large cone.

I remember when I was about 5 or 6, playing Gauntlet 64 with my brother. We very seldom get to play co-op games that aren't FPS like Battlefield 4 or Black Ops 3. So to have Gauntlet come back, not only as an awesome dungeon lot-em-up, but for FREE as a PS+ game, really just brought back good memories. And the game itself is actually pretty damn great. It's not on par with the likes of Diablo 3, but for an arcade styled crawler my brother and I can cooperatively play for a couple hours, it's awesome.