Stunts Gone Bad
четверг 16 апреля admin 49
Splix io game to play. Human beings have been craving adrenaline since the first caveman dared the first lion to 'catch me if you can.' That's not to say that we all crave danger, but it's so much a part of our DNA that if we don't chase those thrills ourselves, we enjoy watching other people do it. If we didn't, YouTube probably wouldn't exist. But the awful truth about daredevils and their envelope-pushing stunts is that one day, their luck will run out, tragedy will strike, and loved ones will have to pay the price.
Sep 01, 2016 Pranks gone wrong that accidentally killed people. By Amanda June Bell AND Jason Iannone / Sept. 1, 2016 1:49 EDT / Updated: June 7, 2018 3:49 pm EDT. It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Sometimes pranks that people thought would be cool turn out to be cruel, and even occasionally backfire with deadly consequences. It's no laughing. Apr 15, 2016 Transcript for A Stunt Gone Wrong Shocks Crowd at the Circus. We're going to turn next tonight to a stunt gone badly wrong at the circus in Virginia. T the performer now in the hospital.
Here are a few notorious examples of. Dean Potter was well-known in the extreme sports community and particularly well-known in Yosemite, where climbing is a popular sport.
He was the first person to 'free climb' (using only hands and feet, although safety ropes can also be used) three-quarters of the way up, the granite peak that is roughly 4,800 feet above Yosemite Valley.Potter was also — he'd been kicked out of Yosemite a couple of times for such crimes as sleeping in the meadow and breaking the stems off a head of broccoli in the park store. More telling, he'd lost a couple of sponsorships because of his increasingly risky stunts, such as climbing the Delicate Arch in the Arches National Park, and base jumping, which was just a little too dangerous for the popular brand Clif Bar to stomach. In March 2013, Kyle Lee Stocking attempted to duplicate a feat he saw on YouTube. If the stunt had gone as planned, the 22-year-old would have swung beneath the 110-foot Corona arch near Moab, Utah, after jumping off the top.
But he misjudged the length of the rope he was using, and instead of swinging he struck the ground. The impact killed him.The tragedy highlighted a growing problem of people trying to imitate stunts they see on YouTube, from swallowing cinnamon (which can give you a collapsed lung) to jumping off moving vehicles.While YouTube claims to prohibit content that encourages dangerous behavior, the video that the fatal stunt is alive and well as of this writing. And still no 'don't try this at home' warning, either.
Lim was a veteran of this particular stunt — he'd been performing it for more than a decade, and his record was 75 minutes, according to the. But he was also approaching 70, was being treated for high blood pressure, and had recently had a heart bypass. So really, he wasn't in peak physical condition at the time of his death.Lim started knocking on the inside of the wok about 30 minutes into the performance.
When onlookers removed the cover they found him unconscious, and by the time medical personnel arrived he was dead. The cause of death was a heart attack, though police also noted Lim had second-degree burns. If the stunt had gone as planned, Hickey would have set his first parachute on fire, then disconnected it, then deployed a second chute in order to float to safety. But something went wrong, and the second chute opened too late.
A video showed a fireball engulfing both chute and jumper. According to the coroner's report, Hickey died of blunt-force trauma.who had completed more than 1,000 jumps over a 10-year period, thus proving once again that experience can't save you when the base jumping grim reaper finally decides your time is up. Roy held the Guinness record for farthest distance on a zipline using hair, so he wasn't new to the hairy circuit. But the 48-year-old might not have been in the best physical shape, and when something went wrong during his final performance, his heart was unable to withstand the stress.Spectators said he stopped moving down the zipline after about 300 feet. He struggled for close to 30 minutes, shouting for help, but there were no emergency personnel on hand and no one could understand what he was saying.
At the end of the half hour, he became still. When paramedics finally cut him down he'd already died. Of a 'massive heart attack.' Officials said Roy didn't have permission to do the stunt, and if he'd had a professional support team on hand the outcome might have been different.
Instead, the stunt he promised his wife would be his last really did end up being his last, but for all the wrong reasons. Kudos to social media star GiGi Wu, who actually found a gimmick no one else was using: a bikini. She said she for her hikes but would change her clothes at the top, so that's less crazy than the alternative, but still pretty wacky.
She loved hiking alone and felt anyone should be able to do it, according to the Washington Post. Of course, that comes with safety concerns, and she even turned back from some hikes that she felt were unsafe for soloing.The self-proclaimed 'bikini climber' posted a lot of really impressive images of herself standing in treacherous places wearing clothing that's really only fit for a very warm (and flat) beach, but then something terrible happened., Wu fell 65 feet into a ravine while on a solo hike on Yushan Mountain in Central Taiwan. She was evidently lucid enough to make a phone call after falling, though she said she couldn't move because of a leg injury. But rescuers weren't able to reach her until at least a day later, and by then she'd frozen to death. In 2002, free diving champion Audrey Mestre was trying to break the 'no limits' dive world record of 531.5 feet. Everything went well until she was on her way back up., her cause of death was equipment failure — in no-limits free diving, an air tank fills a balloon, which helps the diver get quickly back to the surface. Mestre's air tank didn't have enough air in it to inflate the balloon.The International Association of Free Divers gave Mestre a posthumous honor for the practice dive she'd completed a few days earlier — 558 feet, which was just 3 feet short of the dive that killed her.
After her death her husband, Francisco 'Pipin' Ferreras, swore off free diving, except for a single dive he said would be in her honor. In 2013 he changed his mind and said he'd come back for one more record-breaking attempt and then retire. And then he said the same thing. And that's enough to give you some insight into the minds of extreme sportsmen — even knowing the risks, it's hard to give up the thing you love. In 2011, wing walker Todd Green was performing at Selfridge Air Show in Michigan when he fell to his death., Green was trying to transfer in midair from a plane to the skid of a helicopter when he slipped.Green's stunt was one of the biggest attractions of the show, and a lot of spectators initially believed the fall was part of the act — which seems to be a common misconception when daredevils die during performances. It wasn't until told the crowd something had gone wrong that they finally learned the truth.Green was the son of Hall of Fame aerial stunt performer Eddie 'The Grip' Green and was following in his dad's footsteps. He had more than 25 years of experience performing aerial stunts.
The human cannonball is one of the world's most time-honored acts of putting oneself in great mortal peril for the amusement of others., the first human cannonball took to the air in 1872, launching both himself and the careers of a long, distinguished line of people who ultimately died in the line of duty. Broken limbs, broken backs, and broken heads are fairly common injuries for human cannonballs, a fact that didn't stop Matt Cranch from signing up for a job with Scott May's Daredevil Stunt Show. In 2011, Cranch was about to perform as a human cannonball for the first time, in front of a crowd of hundreds of people in Kent, England. He was shot 40 feet into the air, but his safety net collapsed on landing. He hit head first and died from his injuries.
That the quick release mechanism on the safety net hadn't been set properly.Cranch was a former mechanic who had been on the stunt team for about a month at the time of his death and had practiced the stunt a total of five times. Against the show's organizer, prosecutors argued that the quick release mechanism wasn't even necessary for the stunt — a standard net set up prior to the incident would have done the job without risk of failure. The organizer received a £100,000 fine and a one-year 'community order' for his part in Cranch's death. If there's anything that can be learned from the wing walking accidents of a bygone time (which is evidently like 2011) it's this: Don't walk around on the wing of an airplane, unless it's firmly parked on the asphalt.
Even then, it's probably not an awesome idea because pilots tend to get mad when you walk around on their planes' wings without permission. But that's not a lesson that everyone has learned, and so recently there was yet another wing walking accident — this one in Canada, and the daredevil who did not survive the stunt wasn't even a professional daredevil. A rapper by the name of Jon James thought a wing walking stunt would make for an awesome music video, but he wasn't exactly a trained stuntman and while he did train, he may not have had the kind of practice needed to safely perform death-defying stunts. Unfortunately, making a mistake while wing walking isn't quite like making a mistake while tap dancing — James walked a little too far out on the wing, which caused the pilot to lose control of the aircraft.
The rapper tried to hold on as the Cessna went into a spin, but the effort was futile and by the time he let go he was too close to the ground to use his parachute.The pilot regained control of the plane and landed safely. James was the only one who died. America has a long and noble history of innovation, creativity, and throwing ourselves over waterfalls for the amusement of others.
The very first daredevil who did this was Sam Patch, who incidentally was also in general., Sam Patch survived the leap into Niagara Falls twice, which is pretty impressive but not daring enough, evidently. Beating his own accomplishments was really the only way he could keep the public's attention (it's not like people were exactly lining up to challenge his title as 'world's most insane waterfall man' or anything), so he had to keep upping the ante. After Niagara become boring and passe, Patch decided to leap from the High Falls on the Genesee River, which was not quite as high up as the 125-foot platform he'd jumped from at Niagara but would at least bring in a new audience. And just to make the spectacle even more tempting, he promised to push a bear into the water first.Somewhere between 6,000 and 8,000 cash-bearing people showed up to watch and everything went great, but Patch wanted more — specifically, more cash. So he scheduled a second jump, but this time, something happened mid-descent.
Spectators said he 'drooped,' and then hit the water looking more like a marionette than a living person. And that was Sam Patch's last jump — his body was found 7 miles downstream four months later. The bear survived. On June 2, 2017, authorities found the body of Kirk Jones below the falls, but no one really seems to know much about his jump — tourists spotted 'an inflatable ball' going over the edge in April, and police later found Jones' website, entitled 'Kirk Jones Niagara Falls Daredevil.'
'Believe in the Impossible Kirk Jones + Misty Conquer Niagara falls NY 2017,' the site announced. And who is this 'Misty,' exactly? That was Jones' pet boa constrictor, who was believed to have been inside the inflatable ball with Jones. The snake isn't thought to have survived, either.And just in case all this talk about jumping off Niagara Falls has tempted you, surviving the jump is not only rare but also expensive — after brushing you off and sending you home, you can expect to get a bill for $10,000 in fines plus the cost of your rescue. In 1966, a New Jersey truck driver named Nick Piantanida decided for some reason that he was going to break the world record for falling from impossible heights, despite not really having any training or experience doing such things. Now, since this stunt can only happen at the literal edge of space, it seems like for most people it would remain a stupid pipe dream, but not for Piantanida.
He was somehow able to find lots of enablers, including who gave him a space suit, some other people who gave him money, and enough volunteers to help make the whole thing happen., Piantanida made two attempts to ride a balloon into the sky, neither of which were successful. No one is really quite sure what happened on the third attempt, but before he reached the target altitude of 123,500 feet, ground control heard 'a sudden hissing sound' followed by the first half of the word 'emergency.' The crew cut the gondola loose from the balloon and it floated to safety, but Piantanida was unconscious when it hit the ground. He died four months later without ever regaining consciousness.
But sometimes people attempt stunts that aren't even visually impressive. Instead, they're just plain horrible to comprehend. In 2012 a 24-year-old Sri Lankan man named Janaka Basnayake dug a 10-foot deep trench and buried himself in it. And what's more, his friends and family were all evidently on board with his plan, since they pitched in to help him out., Basnayake was attempting to break the world record for 'longest time buried alive,' and he wasn't actually a stranger to being covered with dirt for hours at a time — his previous stunts had lasted between two and a half and six hours. This time he was going for six and a half hours, but evidently that was around a half hour too long. When he was dug up at the end of the stunt he was unconscious, and he was dead by the time he arrived at the hospital. Anyway, 31-year-old Lowell Bayles set the official air speed record of 281.75 mph in December 1931, but for some reason because his speed wasn't more than 4.97 mph over the previous record, it didn't count. So Bayles tried again, but this time the attempt ended tragically.
The plane took off and picked up speed, but before the official run began it 'pitched violently,' rolled three times and crashed in a spectacular fireball.No one is completely sure what happened, but the most popular theory is that Bayles got hit on the head with his own gas cap, which came loose during flight and incapacitated him. The theory seems to be supported by video footage of the craft, and by the fact that the gas cap was found loose some distance from the crash site, along with Bayles' bloody goggles.
So how does Niagara do this? A thousand years ago, though, you couldn't really blame people for thinking that all you need to achieve flight is a pair of wings somewhat similar to bird wings. So for most of human history you have accounts here and there of people who built wings, jumped off high places, and plummeted to their deaths., one of the earliest records of this comes from 1000 A.D. When Turkish scholar turned daredevil al-Djawhari built a pair of wings out of wood, climbed a mosque, and then died shortly after making an impassioned speech about how he was about to achieve the unachievable. So there you have it, it isn't just modern people who die in stupid, hopeful, arrogant ways. It appears to be built into our DNA.
Franz Reichelt was an Austrian tailor who evidently felt that his profession specially qualified him to design aerodynamic clothing, since everyone knows pant legs and coattails must perform within certain specifications on a gusty day. Anyway it was 1912, and Reichelt had just invented the parachute suit, which was basically a flight suit with a parachute built into it.Instead of testing the weird-looking thing on a dummy, though, he decided to test it on himself — this despite the fact he'd already broken a leg during an earlier, much lower altitude test. That earlier failure, he felt, was entirely due to not being tested from even greater heights, and he was so sure of this fact that he went up to the first stage of the Eiffel Tower and then jumped 187 feet to his death. The world's first deadly balloon crash happened in 1785, when a balloon operated by French balloonists Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Pierre Romain caught fire and sent its occupants plummeting to Earth. The cause of the accident was most likely a stray spark, although it might not have happened at all if de Rozier hadn't put hydrogen in his balloon, which does tend to get rather explode-y when you combine it with fire.The accident was the first balloon-related fatality in the history of manned flight, so at least the two men are remembered, though probably not for the reasons they'd hoped.
In 1967 Donald Campbell was trying to beat the water speed record of 276.38 mph in a jet engine-powered boat called 'Bluebird' when he 'met some slight ripples.' The boat's nose came up, and then it went over backward, somersaulted, and violently hit the water, sinking almost immediately.The weird thing about this story is that Campbell seemed to have known what would happen if he pushed his boat too far — he'd once said that Bluebird could withstand less than 3 degrees of nose lift before it would flip, and he was certainly smart enough to know that excessive speed could make that happen.
And here's the other half of the tragedy: Campbell died as the water speed world record holder, not because his fatal run had broken the existing record but because the existing record already belonged to him. That's right, he died trying to best himself. Anyway, lots of people since then have tried to duplicate Evel Knievel's stunts, but 13 or 14 buses is just so 1975., in 2005 a 44-year-old Iranian daredevil named Javad Palizbanian decided to jump not 15 or 16 buses but 22, which would have really shown Evel Knievel who the true king of bus-jumping was, except that the stunt killed him. Ironically, he came down on the 13th bus, so not only had he misjudged his abilities by a full nine buses, but he also unwittingly duplicated Knievel's 13 bus accident at Wembley Stadium in 1975.
Wu Yongning called himself 'China's First Rooftopper.' He was a martial-arts trained stuntman, but he was most famous for performing stunts without safety equipment on top of skyscrapers., in 2017 Wu was performing on top of the 62-story Huayuan International Center in Changsha, China, when he slipped and fell to his death. Only the first 44 floors of the building are open to the public — Wu's girlfriend said he'd probably taken the elevator as far as it would go and then climbed the rest of the way. Wu was an experienced stuntman who had completed similar feats hundreds of times and had made the equivalent of thousands of dollars from the videos he shot of himself performing.
The stunt that ultimately killed him was reportedly worth, or about $15,000., one of China's major news outlets, had put up the money. His step-uncle said that Wu needed the cash for his mother's medical expenses and for his wedding.
He had planned to propose to his girlfriend the day after his death.Wu's death prompted debate in China over 'close-to-death' reality videos, where people are encouraged to record themselves doing dangerous things in exchange for money and internet fame. Shortly after his death, Wu's stunt videos were removed from the two popular video services that had previously promoted them.
: Epic Fails Stupid People and Crazy Stunts Gone Wrong Compilation is a series of funny accidents, funny fail vines, and funny bloopers. The first extreme stupid fails is a guy who gets pummeled by a guy with a heavy bag in the gym. The next crazy stunt gone wrong is a girl who thinks she can do martial arts and she ends in total failure. After that, a guy tries crazy stunts that go wrong when he crashes his dirt bike while trying to jump. Then, a stupid guy trying to make a path for a 4-wheel drive fails and falls into the mud hole. The next crazy stunts gone wrong is a guy who fails to land right in a trick bike jump. The next epic fails is two stupid people racing over an obstacle and one guy flips over his vehicle and falls in front of the other vehicle. Then, a guy commits an epic fails when he makes a mistake on a high gym bar and spins crashing to the ground in a crazy stunts gone wrong. The final clip is an epic fails clip of stupid people where a golfer repeatedly swings and misses the ball.
Epic Fails Stupid People and Crazy Stunts Gone Wrong Compilation
Extreme Stupid Fails: Crazy Stunts Gone Wrong Compilation3
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Extreme Stupid Fails: Crazy Stunts Gone Wrong Compilation
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