The Turing Test Walkthrough
воскресенье 26 апреля admin 49
About Genre Puzzle Rating Rated 'T' for Violence, Mild Language Summary The Turing Test is a first person puzzler from the developers of ‘Pneuma: Breath of Life’ that explores the phenomena of consciousness and challenges the meaning of human intuition. Take control of Ava Turing, an engineer for the International Space Agency (ISA), and progress through a narrated story of introspection and morality whilst uncovering the hidden mysteries of Europa. Delve into The Turing Test’s human interaction puzzles and arm yourself with logical and methodical thinking. Take on tests designed in such a way that only a human could solve them. In an evolving story based on mankind’s inherent need to explore, protect and survive; players search deeper into Europa’s ice crusted core and transcend the line between man and machine. Investigate the truth behind the ISA research base on Jupiter’s moon Europa. Solve puzzles using your Energy Manipulation Tool (EMT) to transfer power out from one object and into another.
The Turing Test is a challenging first-person puzzle game set on Jupiter’s moon, Europa. You are Ava Turing, an engineer for the International Space Agency (ISA) sent to discover the cause behind the disappearance of the ground crew stationed there. Will be completing all chapters so stay tune for more great content from this game. The Turing Test is a.
Power up and take control of artificially intelligent machines, manipulate giant structures and solve complex tasks; all woven into a multi-layered story based on the human struggle for control. The Turing Test can only be experienced through the interactive medium of video games. The Turing Test sparks your synapses into action in this electrifying new first person puzzler, as players learn the true cost of retaining human morality.
Chapter Six has a lot of advanced puzzles that are more difficult than those found in the previous sectors. A new, red energy beam appears - it can hold an energy beam in one spot for a few seconds. To activate it again, you need to take it out from a device and put it there again. As usual, the chapter contains ten sectors: from F51 to F60 and a secret room.
Sector F51
To complete this sector, you need to control the robot that can be found below. Go down for the beam that can be found on the left side above you. Take it with you and place it in the first door. Pass through the door and take over the robot. Take the beam from the first door and release it behind the second door, the one in which it was before. Then, leave your character on the movable platform. While steering the robot, you must carry the beam from the container above to the one below the platform. Proceed to the next sector.
Sector F52
First, take the beam from the bottom and open the movable bridge. Behind the bridge, on your right, you can see the first red beam. Use it to lift the platform. When you are above, you must wait for a moment and take the red beam from below. Use it on the lower relay that is placed on the wall and quickly run towards the exit. The last thing that you must do is to move the beam from the lower relay to the upper one. Proceed through the door.
Sector F53
Take the red energy beam and place it in the container once again. Cross the bridge quickly and take the container with the energy beam located on your left. Place it in the same way as presented in the screenshot. Release the red beam to unlock the bridge, quickly raise the container and leave it in the middle of the bridge. You must sprint because a platform will raise behind the door. Proceed to sector F54.
Sector F54
Reach the highest floor of the room. There, you can find the red beam and a robot. Take the beam and take control of the robot.
Move the robot next to the container that opens the bridges, charge it with the red beam and in the meantime, you must we take the blue one. Now, you must act quickly. You will have to instantly switch between the robot and your character. First, you must take control of the robot and place the red beam in the container that unlocks the bridges. Quickly return to your character by pressing Backspace and cross the red bridge. There are two bridges left to cross. Take control over the robot again and reactivate the bridge. WARNING! Once the robot releases the red beam, it has to be moved down one level, so we can reach it from above. The last bridge follows the same pattern as the first one. Once you reach the highest spot, you must release the blue beam to the container and proceed to the next sector.
Sector F55
The first room has three floors.
First floor: Here, we can find a closed energy beam with an inactive switch
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Second floor: Here, there is a movable energy beam in a container and an inactive switch.
Third floor: Here, we will find an empty container with a cable that leads to the control camera.
First, go up to the second floor and take the energy beam. Carry it to the third floor and activate the camera. It will go down to the first floor. There, you must take control of it and activate the green container. Then, return to your character. This opens the door to the next sector.
Proceed through the newly opened door and pull the lever. Take the red beam and go back to get the blue beam which is located on the third floor. Place the blue beam into the container on the second floor.
Probe the red beam and enter the third floor. Your task is to place the beam into the container and take over the camera that will start going down.
At the bottom, you must close the energy supply by clicking the green container and on the second floor you must set the cable in the green container so it will be on the left side (just like in the screenshot). Take the blue beam from the second floor and the red one from the third floor. Place the red beam in the container on the second floor and swiftly run through the door to the next room. Turn left instantly to a movable platform. You are now on the top where you can take the second red beam.
Stand near the window, reactivate the red beam and go back to the room with the floors. There, go up to the third floor where you must take control of the camera once again by using the red beam. On the first floor, you click on the green container so it releases the blue beam. Do the same on the second floor - this will turn the cable to the right side. Take both red beams and proceed to the second room. Move the lever and go to the top. There, you can find door to the next sector.
First, release the red beam in order to get to the middle. There, you must release the second beam and jump on the platform. Use the blue beam to open the door.
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Sector F56

Place the robot on the platform and proceed to the room nearby. There, you must place your character on the red platform and take the beam from the newly opened door. Return to the place where you left the robot and switch places with it. Take over the robot and ride to the other room. Take the blue beam that is near the door and turn your back to the window. Press Backspace and return to your character. Take the beam from the robot's back and open the door to the next sector.
Sector F57
First, you must go to the room on the right side and take the energy beam. This forces the camera to get closer to it. Return to the machine that steers the magnet and move it towards you as close as possible. Take the container with the energy beam and go up the stairs.
Activate the magnet and place the container on the red platform. Go down the stairs and stand in the same place as presented in the screenshot. Take the energy beam from the magnet. The platform lifts up and thanks to that you can stand on the movable bridge. Take over the camera and move the bridge on which you are standing to the door leading to the next sector.
Sector F58
Take both beams from the containers and give one of them to the robot. Enter the platform located on the left side. Take control over the robot and release its beam to the left container. Go back to your character and stand on the next platform. Switch to the robot and take the previously placed beam. This activates the next bridge that is located to your left.
You are now on the highest level of this room. You must do the same with the robot. When you and the robot are on the same level, all you have to do is to put the beam into the robot and stand on the platform. Release the beam to the container and return to your character. Proceed further.
Sector F59
Once you enter the room, you must go to the right. Here, you can find a camera. Take over it. You can notice a new device. Approach it and shoot at the ropes to drop a big block in front of you. Proceed to the last sector.
Sector F60
Go upstairs and take control of the robot. Move the robot to the red platform that is located below. Thanks to that, you will be able to open the bridge to proceed further. Return to your character and get on the ladder. Take over the robot once again. Move the robot a bit so the first door will open. Proceed through newly opened door and return to the robot. You have to push the container with the energy beam onto the red platform.
Place our robot in front of the window so you can reach it from the platform. Take control of it and raise the platform. Proceed to the secret room.
Drilling Site
You can now explore a little bit and listen to the recordings from which you can learn some info about your crew. It's time for the last chapter.